coal fired boiler

Coal fired boiler

Using coal as fuel in order to create energy in the form of electricity and/or heat is very common in the world. The coal comes in many different qualities, and often generate problems with ash fouling. The stricter limits for emissions, also create new challenges for the boilers, such as difficulties with build ups in heat exchangers, SCR and APH.

coal fired boiler

General info

A Coal fired boiler and it’s fuel

The boiler island in a power plant constitutes the highest capital expenditure asset and the fuel is generally the single highest operational expenditure of the plant. Often, not enough attention is given to continuously improve the energy transformation efficiency; from raw fuel to the refined end-products heat and power. The potential for sustainable and profitable growth is directly connected to how well the plant handles increasing demands, from both consumers and legislators (BREF), on reduced emissions.

Using coal as fuel in order to create energy in the form of electricity and/or heat is very common in the world. The coal comes in many different qualities, and often generate problems with ash fouling. The stricter limits for emissions, also create new challenges for the boilers, such as difficulties with build ups in heat exchangers, SCR and APH.

About cleaning

Heat Management has a long history of supplying fouling management in coal fired boilers

Typical applications for the Infrasound Cleaning in coal fired boilers are Economizers, Air Preheaters (Ljungstrom, Rothemuhle, tubular) and SCR catalysts.
Our HISS™ system for optimizing steam soot blowing is used for saving soot blowing steam or increasing cleaning effect, mainly in warmer areas such as superheaters.


Some of the benefits that our systems can give the customer:

Reduced steam consumption for steam soot cleaning. Increased production or reduced fuel costs while production is maintained.

Lower and more stable differential pressure. Infrasound Cleaning reaches areas that are not accessible to conventional soot cleaning systems.

Fewer stops for manual cleaning. Increased availability and energy production.

Increased lifetime of heat exchangers. Non-abrasive sonic cleaning increases the lifetime of heat exchangers by reducing the need for conventional cleaning systems. Infrasound Cleaning does not contribute to corrosion or erosion of heat exchangers. Using our HISS optimization of steam soot blowing also reduces wear since

References on Coal fired boilers


Fortum Naantali, Naantali Finland

A case study and results from our infrasound cleaning installation on a coal-fired boiler at Fortum Naantali. Fortum Naantali power plant uses coal as the main fuel. Heavy fuel oil is used for start-ups and as support fuel. Refinery gas is also used. The two boilers each have two air preheaters, each with an Infrasound generator installed below the rotor on the flue gas side.


HEW Tiefstack, Hamburg Germany

Initially there were 4 layers in the catalysts at HEW Tiefstack. No soot cleaning equipment was installed from the beginning, since the boiler manufacturer Steinmüller was convinced, that by guiding the flue gas in parallel, the cat stones would not become dirty. The catalyst reactor was also built by Steinmüller.

Content related to Coal fired boilers


Challenges for Power boilers

This white paper focuses mainly on challenges related to combusting complex fuels, such as domestic waste, industrial waste, and demolition waste. In the first chapter, we will present the challenges, solutions for increasing the efficiency and cleanliness of the boilers