Record Number of Orders in the year of 2023 for Infrasound Cleaning Systems

Heat Management’s Infrasound cleaners has been exceptionally popular historically in Sweden, which is its country of origin. The acoustic cleaner has satisfied its users for years, but in the last few years the demand outside of Sweden has grown exponentially. This has led to a record year for Heat Management, having a lot of Infrasound cleaners to install and commission all over the world, especially in Asia.   New exciting partnership in Southeast Asia Our sales manager in Thailand, Thierry Magne, has signed a partnership with Eco Plant Services (EPS) who has been providing our acoustic cleaning solution to the market. Heat Management has received multiple orders in Thailand with the help of our new partner. With the continued collaboration with EPS and Heat Management, anything is possible, which makes the market in Thailand look very promising. The end-users have been everything from cement plants, coal fired boilers to smoke tube boilers. Together we’re building success stories together with our [...]

By |2024-01-25T15:05:40+00:00January 25, 2024|Infrasound cleaning, News, Power Boilers|Comments Off on Record Number of Orders in the year of 2023 for Infrasound Cleaning Systems

Sustainable Steam: Jönköping Energi’s HISS Project and its Impressive Results

In 2023, the Swedish power plant Jönköping Energi initiated a project that enabled them to increase their boiler load with biofuel. The outcome of that project was a significant increase in heat and electricity production. This however significantly increased their need for sootblowing. Introduction The project that enabled the green transition to more sustainable fuels was finished in the year of 2022. Doing an analysis of that project, Jönköping Energi concluded that they had increased their heat generation by 23 GWh more heat that reduced the need for more expensive fuels and 4 GWh increased electricity production. After the project that enabled the forementioned load increase, Jönköping discovered that even though they had to be sootblowing more as a consequence of increasing their boiler load, there was an add-on solution to their sootblowers that could save them time and steam for each cycle. The High Impact Sootblowing System (HISSTM). Since 90% of the cleaning effect is done by the initial [...]

By |2024-01-04T08:18:12+00:00January 4, 2024|News, Optimized steam sootblowing articles, Power Boilers|Comments Off on Sustainable Steam: Jönköping Energi’s HISS Project and its Impressive Results

Acoustic Cleaning: A Step to Constant Boiler Availability

Plugging and reduced heat transfer When being exposed to fouling, heat-transferring surfaces lose effectiveness over time due to scaling and buildup. This keeps power boilers from reaching their full potential.  To unlock the potential of the boiler, it requires cleaning. One way that most plants around the world do this is by manually cleaning the desired area during a designated stoppage. This, however, poses a major loss in energy production.   In this section we present three plants that had major issues with this before implementing acoustic cleaning. Click on their name to download an in-depth case study: Mälarenergi, Kraftvärmet Block 6: A Swedish waste-to-energy plant that had to stop their boiler operation, to sandblast the economizer every 3-6 months. Sandviksverket, Växjö: A Swedish CFB boiler, fuelled by biomass, that reduced their sootblowing steam consumption by 50% in the air preheater and economizer. The acoustic cleaner also fully eliminated the need to sootblow in the catalyst. EEW Delfzijl, Holland; [...]

By |2023-10-26T11:12:38+00:00October 26, 2023|Infrasound cleaning, Power Boilers|Comments Off on Acoustic Cleaning: A Step to Constant Boiler Availability

Unveiling the Silent Culprit: Increased Fuel Consumption due to Fouling

The combustion boiler is at the heart of many operations. Whether it’s a power boiler operating in a combined heating plant or a recovery boiler in a pulp and paper mill. They enable processes to run smoothly and efficiently if maintained right. The boilers have a universal enemy that not only affect their efficiency but also the bottom line– fouling. One of the most overlooked consequences to heavy fouling Is increased fuel consumption. It is therefore important to mitigate the issue before the consequences get unbearable.   Why does fuel consumption increase due to fouling? The overall performance of the boiler relies heavily on efficient heat exchange. The heat must flow from combustion chambers to water, generating steam that is essential for different processes in the combustion plant. The deposit buildup on boiler surfaces disturbs the heat exchange, this notion is well documented and fairly agreed upon. The hidden culprit though, is that in order to maintain the same steam [...]

By |2023-09-01T11:40:00+00:00September 1, 2023|Optimized steam sootblowing articles, Power Boilers, Recovery Boilers|Comments Off on Unveiling the Silent Culprit: Increased Fuel Consumption due to Fouling

Sappi Gratkorn Implements Overlapping Sootblowing Technology to Lower Environmental Impact

Sappi Gratkorn is a paper mill in Austria that produces high-quality multi-coated paper. The mill has been in operation for over a century. In recent years, the company Sappi and their respective mills have been investing in developing their facilities to reduce their environmental impact. The newly formed sustainability partnershipSappi Gratkorns goal was to reduce their steam consumption and therefore reduce their annual cost of lowering their environmental impact.  In the year 2021, Sappi Gratkorn entered into a sustainability partnership with Heat Management to investigate ways of furthering their eco-effective journey.It was determined that Heat Managements High Impact Sootblowing System™  was an appropriate solution to implement into the boiler's superheater, in order to achieve more sootblowing with less steam. Sappi Gratkorn, like most red liquor recovery boilers, operates the steam sootblowing in separate cycles. This makes the HISS™ operation comparable to power boilers with various fuels like biomass and waste.Sappi Gratkorn is renowned to streamline its mill for a better environment. [...]

By |2023-08-17T13:16:07+00:00June 28, 2023|Optimized steam sootblowing articles, Power Boilers, Recovery Boilers|Comments Off on Sappi Gratkorn Implements Overlapping Sootblowing Technology to Lower Environmental Impact

Optimizing Power Boiler Performance Amid Volatile Energy Prices

In recent years, volatile energy prices have become the norm in Europe and across the globe, with a number of factors triggering what the EU is calling an unprecedented energy crisis. Gas prices increased more than 170% in 2021, and more than 150% between July 2021 and 2022. Factors contributing to increased energy prices include extreme climate conditions, higher gas consumption in Asia, greater scarcity of nuclear and hydropower electricity, and disruptions as a result of the war in Ukraine and Russia’s decision to cut gas supply to several EU countries. While higher demand and energy prices mean greater profitability for power plant operators, it also means more pressure on critical components such as the power boiler which, in turn, can lead to higher operating costs. By investing in solutions that increase the operational effectiveness of the power boiler and other infrastructure, power plant operators can cut down on costs while ensuring they keep up with performance demands.  The [...]

By |2023-05-31T10:43:34+00:00May 31, 2023|News, Power Boilers|Comments Off on Optimizing Power Boiler Performance Amid Volatile Energy Prices
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