Biomass boiler illustration

Infrafone connect

Infrafone Connect is a software tool, for our Infrafone portfolio that will make it easier to increase the availability and performance of both the boiler and the Infrafone soot cleaning solution.

Operation analysis
Biomass boiler illustration

Infrafone connect

Infrafone Connect is a software tool, for our Infrafone portfolio that will make it easier to increase the availability and performance of both the boiler and the Infrafone soot cleaning solution.

Operation analysis

General info

Measure all necessary performance data online

The Infrafone Connect unit will measure all necessary performance data online, and via the GSM network send information to Heat Management. This means that Heat Management will be able to secure the long term performance of the Infrasound unit. It will also be possible to use the data to predict potential service and upgrade needs.

The experts from Heat Management will regularly analyze and report the data from the different Infrafone units to the client and give recommendations for adjustments of the operations of the Infrafone when needed.

The technology is based on commercial on-line communication advice, which now imports data from the Infrafone control unit, and then exports it, in a safe manner, outside the fire wall system of the power plant