Heat Management

TPK-EPO, Sevnica Slovenia

Application: Biomass boiler

TPK-EPO, Sevnica Slovenia

Application: Biomass boiler

Situation description

Before the installation of the Infrasound generators at TPK-EPO, the multi cyclone and the fintubed economizer were cleaned every 6-8 weeks due to increasing flue gas dP. The economizer is also cleaned with steam soot blowers. After the installation the eco and multi cylone are cleaned once per year.

Some of the benefits that the Infrasound Cleaning System has brought to the customer are:

  • Greatly increased availability of the boilers, from 6 manual cleaning stops per year to only 1
  • Greatly reduced OPEX due to reduced amount of stops
  • Low and stable dP, resulting in less power on the flue gas fan

Situation description

Before the installation of the Infrasound generators at TPK-EPO, the multi cyclone and the fintubed economizer were cleaned every 6-8 weeks due to increasing flue gas dP. The economizer is also cleaned with steam soot blowers. After the installation the eco and multi cylone are cleaned once per year.

Some of the benefits that the Infrasound Cleaning System has brought to the customer are:

  • Greatly increased availability of the boilers, from 6 manual cleaning stops per year to only 1
  • Greatly reduced OPEX due to reduced amount of stops
  • Low and stable dP, resulting in less power on the flue gas fan