2020 has been busy on many fronts and we’ve been having a lot of orders coming in, both big and small. We can now reveal that we’ve received an order on our High impact sootblowing system (HISS) from a chemical pulping plant in Central Europe. Up until now, we’ve mainly implemented the HISS solution on plants within Sweden. With this order, we now take the technology to other countries in Europe.
The objective for the client is to further improve their environmental impact as a provider of green energy for the local market.
The chemical pulping plants play an important role in generating energy for both district heating and for the generation of renewable electricity.
Our new client’s chemical mill needed to meet the objectives of their environmental green strategy. With the implementation of the High impact soot system, the chemical pulping plant will make it possible to increase the amount of steam for the paper machines and also increase the overall steam that is used for generating renewable energy at the same time.
The environmentally friendly HISS solution will make it possible to operate the steam sootblowers in the recovery boiler in a more efficient way tailored to suit the design of the recovery boiler.
The sootblowers that run individually in different locations of the boiler will also have intelligence based on other process parameters. All in all, the boiler will be able to not only save steam but also will be able to operate on a higher load. This technology will also increase the lifetime of the heat transfer tubes in the boiler.
A major positive impact on the environment
The implementation of the High Impact Sootblowing System will have a major positive impact on the environment due to the fact that it will increase the performance of the recovery boiler and the efficiency in producing renewable energy.
This technology is suited for all boilers using steam sootblowers, and particularly for the chemical pulping recovery boilers. There are approximately 2000 recovery boilers in the world and as the recovery boilers generate renewable energy, the HISS technology offers an interesting potential in having huge positive impact on the environment.
Ulrika Reimer, CEO at Heat Management
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Chemical pulp plant in Central Europe implementing HISS
December 1, 2020 /

2020 has been busy on many fronts and we’ve been having a lot of orders coming in, both big and small. We can now reveal that we’ve received an order on our High impact sootblowing system (HISS) from a chemical pulping plant in Central Europe. Up until now, we’ve mainly implemented the HISS solution on plants within Sweden. With this order, we now take the technology to other countries in Europe.
The objective for the client is to further improve their environmental impact as a provider of green energy for the local market.
The chemical pulping plants play an important role in generating energy for both district heating and for the generation of renewable electricity.
Our new client’s chemical mill needed to meet the objectives of their environmental green strategy. With the implementation of the High impact soot system, the chemical pulping plant will make it possible to increase the amount of steam for the paper machines and also increase the overall steam that is used for generating renewable energy at the same time.
The environmentally friendly HISS solution will make it possible to operate the steam sootblowers in the recovery boiler in a more efficient way tailored to suit the design of the recovery boiler.
The sootblowers that run individually in different locations of the boiler will also have intelligence based on other process parameters. All in all, the boiler will be able to not only save steam but also will be able to operate on a higher load. This technology will also increase the lifetime of the heat transfer tubes in the boiler.
A major positive impact on the environment
The implementation of the High Impact Sootblowing System will have a major positive impact on the environment due to the fact that it will increase the performance of the recovery boiler and the efficiency in producing renewable energy.
This technology is suited for all boilers using steam sootblowers, and particularly for the chemical pulping recovery boilers. There are approximately 2000 recovery boilers in the world and as the recovery boilers generate renewable energy, the HISS technology offers an interesting potential in having huge positive impact on the environment.
Ulrika Reimer, CEO at Heat Management