Optimizing Power Boiler Performance Amid Volatile Energy Prices
In recent years, volatile energy prices have become the norm in Europe and across the globe, with a number of factors triggering what the EU is calling an unprecedented energy crisis. Gas prices increased more than 170% in 2021, and more than 150% between July 2021 and 2022. Factors contributing to increased energy prices include extreme climate conditions, higher gas consumption in Asia, greater scarcity of nuclear and hydropower electricity, and disruptions as a result of the war in Ukraine and Russia’s decision to cut gas supply to several EU countries. While higher demand and energy prices mean greater profitability for power plant operators, it also means more pressure on critical components such as the power boiler which, in turn, can lead to higher operating costs. By investing in solutions that increase the operational effectiveness of the power boiler and other infrastructure, power plant operators can cut down on costs while ensuring they keep up with performance demands. The [...]